Tuesday, December 03, 2024
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TSHC - Nomination of Judicial Officers to participate in the ECT-3-2024 training programme scheduled on 30-11-2024 at TSJA, Secbad - Orders - Issued - B.Spl. dated 29-11-2024
TSHC - Nomination of Judicial Officers to participate in the Workshop scheduled on 30-11-2024 at TSJA, Secbad - Orders - Issued - B.Spl. dated 28-11-2024
TSHC - Nomination of Judicial Officers as Resource Person for the Workshop scheduled on 30-11-2024 at TSJA, Secbad - Orders - Issued - B.Spl. dated 28-11-2024
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Recruitment Notifications
Marks list of candidates appeared for written examinations conducted on 17-08-2019 and 18-08-2019 for the posts of Civil Judge and the list containing marks secured in viva-voce-Regarding.
Recruitment- Recruitment to the posts under TJMS, notified on 31-07-2019. Evaluated Answer Sheets hosted in the website of the High Court - Calling Objections in respect of question/s or option/s or both, if any-Regarding.
Evaluated response sheets(Answer Sheets) of the candidates appeared for the examinations conducted from 04-11-2019 to 07-11-2019 for recruitment to the posts under Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Sub ordinate Services, notified on 31-07-2019
Hall ticket download link for examinations to be conducted from 04-11-2019 to 07-11-2019 for filling up various categories of posts under direct recruitment in the TJMSS - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 23-10-2019.
Mock Test to practice Computer Based Test for Subordinate Courts
Provisional selection of candidates for the posts of Civil Judge notified for the yesr 2019 - Regarding
Link for Call Letters to the qualified candidates in Written Examination for 67 posts of Civil Judges notified for the year 2019 - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 18-09-2019.
Junior Civil Judges - 2019 - Interview Call Letters for the 98 Qualified Candidates in Written Examination - Regarding, dated 18-09-2019.
Junior Civil Judges - 2019 - Written Examination Results - List of Eligible Candidates for viva-voce and Interview schedule - Regarding, dated 15-09-2019.
Notification regarding Provisinal Selection of Two Candiates for Two Posts of District Judges by Transfer through a limited competitive Examination under 10 percent Quota Reg- Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 07-09-2019.
District Judges (Accelerated to Recruitment by Transfer) (10 percent quota) - Interview schedule - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 29-08-2019.
VIVA VOCE EXAMINATIONS - Filling up of 32 vacancies in the cadre of DJ (Entry Level) for the year 2019 - Regarding - B.Spl Section, dated 22-08-2019.
Notifications (9) for recruitment of Staff in the Subordinate Courts of Telangana State under Direct Recruitment - Regarding, Recruitment Cell,dated 31-07-2019.
Certain repesentations recevied from the candidates whose applications were rejected for the post of Civil Judge, 2019 - Considered - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 23-07-2019.
Marks list of candidates is appeared screening test held on 11-05-2019 - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 19-07-2019.
Results of the JCJ Screening Test, 2019 held on 11-05-2019 - Regarding - Recruitment Cell, dated 12-07-2019.
Objections on key answers in respect of JCJ 2019 Screening Test - considered - Regarding , dated 02-07-2019.
Corrigendum to the Notification issued for filling up of (4) posts of District Judge by Transfer through a Limited Competitive Examination(Accelerated Recruitment by Transfer) for the year 2019- Regarding, dated 26-04-2019.
Notification for filling up of (4) posts of District Judge by Transfer through a Limited Competitive Examination(Accelerated Recruitment by Transfer) for the year 2019- Regarding, dated 25-04-2019.
Permission accroded to the employees working in the categories of Senior Assistant, Junior Asst. and Typist of Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Services to apply to the post of Civil Judge notified for the year 2019 , dated 12-04-2019
State Judicial Service - District Judges (Entry Level) under Direct Recruitment - Notified - Regarding, dated 01-04-2019.
State Judicial Service - District Judges by Transfer through a Limited Competitive Examination (Accelerated Recruitment by Transfer) - Notified , dated 01-04-2019.
Vacancies in the cadre of DJ entry level by promotion from among the SCJS under 65 percentage quota for the year 2019, dated 27-03-2019.
Vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judges (Senior Division) for the year 2019 , dated 27-03-2019.
Notification for recruitment to 67 posts of Civil Judge for the year 2019 , dated 08-03-2019.
Vacany position in the category of Civil Judges (Junior Division) for the year 2019 - Notified , dated 11-02-2019.
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