• Tuesday, April 01, 2025

Profile of Sitting Judges




Born on 30 th August, to Sri. Maturi Appa Rao, who worked as Commercial Tax Officer in Telangana region and Smt.Nagaratnam. Soon after Intermediate her ladyship got married to Dr. K. Vijay Kumar and blessed with two sons, Nikhil and Akhil. Her Ladyship pursued Master of Arts in Sociology, Master of Arts in Public Administration and Master of Arts in Political Science from Andra University. Later, her Ladyship did her 3 years law course from N.B.M Law college, Visakhapatnam in the year 1995. Did her post graduation in Law (L.L.M) in Labour and Industrial Law from Andhra University in the year 1997. Her Ladyship stood first in Constitutional Law by securing highest marks. Enrolled as an Advocate on the rolls of Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh on September 1995. After enrollment as an advocate, joined the Office of Smt. P. Uma Bala and worked in the said office for about 7 years. Her Ladyship actively practiced for more than 10 years at Vishakhapatnam and dealt with all types of cases in Civil, Criminal, Labour law and Matrimonial matters and actively appeared in pro-bono cases referred by the District Legal Services Authority of Vishakhapatnam. Later Selected as District Judge by direct recruitment and joined judicial service as Addl. District Judge on 03-11-2008. Worked at various places of the then combined State of AP. Worked as Prl. District Judge, Ongole from August, 2016 to December 2018, Adilabad from January 2019 to October 2020 and Karimnagar from October 2020 to March 2022. During her tenure as Prl. District Judge in Prakasham and Adilabad District of the then composite State of AP, the District Legal Service Authority stood first continuously for 3 terms, during the period 2016-2019 for being best district legal service authority by National Legal Service Authority. NALSA in its 21st Episode of Akele Nahin Hain Aaap program telecasted by Doordarshan appreciated her ladyship for the efforts of District Legal Service Authority in conducting various legal aid programs in remote villages of the state with an objective to extend legal aid and to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society. Elevated and sworn in as a Judge of High Court for the State of Telangana on 24-3-2022.